Story Behind
14 Seasons Cigar Company
The man behind the 14 Seasons Cigars Company, Gill Florentino, started his journey toward establishing a name in the cigar world at a very young age. He was inspired by his uncle, Daniel Diaz, who has owned cigar plantations in the Dominican Republic’s Gurabo, Higuey, and Tamboril areas since 1978. In 2018, our founder partnered with Francisco Padilla, his cousin, and a fifth-generation master cigar roller, to establish a business that expanded the family’s cigar plantation to a commercial level. With the prominence of the Grand Reserve Cigar line, named after Francisco Padilla, and our founder’s visionary business insight, 14 Seasons Cigars Company proudly brings six lines of premium cigars to cigar enthusiasts across America.
What Do We Offer
We bring unmatched craftsmanship of cigars for passionate individuals who value the flavor and cherish easy-going smoke.
Cigar Events with Live Rollers
Create unforgettable moments with live cigar rolling at your next event.
Six Premium Cigar Lines
Enjoy six carefully crafted premium cigars, perfect for every cigar enthusiast.
Tobacco Pipe
Crafted with opulence, these stands cradle cigars, merging form and function seamlessly.